No matter how hard you try, sometimes your subscribers stop engaging with your emails. We call these folks “emotionally unsubscribed.” They are on your list, but are not opening, not clicking, and/or not buying. When this happens, the savvy marketer sends a re-engagement email, a “nudge” message, with the hope of putting their brand top-of-mind with their subscribers, and enticing them to restart engaging with their emails. While not always necessary, sometimes including a special offer or discount code will help to further pique their interest. Humor sometimes works too!


Try One Night on Us - Details Inside

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If you create an account on Airbnb, but fail to make a reservation/complete a booking, expect to receive a re-engagement email. This specific email includes a special offer for the subscriber to try a night on them, which is very compelling. And why not try Airbnb if they are footing the bill?

Bonus: Great subject line and very clear call-to-action button.

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Here's One Free Ride!

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Lyft sends out a special offer of one free ride for customers who have not used their car service in a while. Their copy is personalized, has a human touch, and lets you know that they have already added the free credit to your account—so you don’t have to do a thing! Again, the subject line is meant to draw inactive subscribers in, hoping they’ll open the email and take action (re-engage!). Finally, they create a sense of urgency by including an expiration date on the free ride. Oh, and how great are those social sharing options? Share and get even more ride credits? Yes!

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Last Chance: Say Yes to Macy's Emails Now

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Macy’s takes more of a straightforward approach to re-engaging subscribers. They simply encourage you to hurry and confirm your email subscription. They remind you of the value of your subscription—that if you keep receiving their emails, you will never miss out on sales, events, and more. And they make it easy to keep receiving emails—simply click on the obvious red button to confirm your subscription. They also take advantage of the preheader with the nice “Yes! Keep sending me emails” messaging.

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